I just love colour and have been putting together a colour palette collection based on the trends for 2024, this is a set of 10 + 1 (so 11 in total) the extra being the 2024 colour highlight and my colour of 2024.
One of the things I used to find hard was learning how not to use every colour, through these limitations you give colour more of a chance to shine.
Magic can happen and it can make the dullest of colours pop when placed correctly or accidentally next to each other.
Every year, companies, designers and Pantone release their colours of the year, the biggest hits for the next year. I want to do this...
But, for illustrations (more so picture books.)
So I set about designing sets based on the main colour trends for next year... But first I needed a colour of the year!

Without further ado, my colour for 2024 is PURPLE (#8676a0) Why... I sat with the colours all laid out in front of me that will be on trend next year. I narrowed it down to the top five Honey brown Purple Corn Blue Powder blue and an Orange. All these are shining in 2024. For my colour of the year, it needed to be personal. Would have thought maybe I would pick Orange (it appears a lot in my work) However, Purple / lilacs hold memories of the teenage me, the part of me that was filled with the world's hopes and dreams. Maybe, I am feeling a little emotional with the fact I have completed my BA (Hons) degree that made me pick purple at the end of the day. At the bottom of this blog post, you will find a link to gumroad (where I am selling these procreate palette swatches) Along with links to recommendations for learning to work with colour. All the palettes I have created are based on one of the 2024 colour trends, from this I have included tones for contrast (dark, mid and light) a contrasting colour, neutral colours and colour pops. The idea is that each palette works well together and has both harmony and contrast to create interesting pieces of art.
I didn’t just pick pretty colours, I did my research into the design (Fashion/interior)
In my mind I wanted the designs to make a collection of cards (one collection per design) and work as picture book illustrations.
I did my research into friendly colours, used my swatchos set to match colours and pick the right tones. Then I would work these colours together in different ratios/balances adjust if needed or change the colour altogether. This sometimes did mean dropping colours I loved!

The Sets
Earthy Tones
- This is a very neutral palette of earthy browns, and greys with undertones of peaches, purples, greens, and yellows.
Emerald Luxe
Emerald Green is back! These richer darker and somewhat magical greens have rarely appeared in my own palettes until now. It is like finding a rare gem… I found an Emerald!
Sweet Blue
I am told soft sweet powder blue is in the run-up of 2024. A collection of blue tones that work together with some soft mid-range natural colours of grey/brown and cream to add a base and a little pop of pink or orange in there.
Orange Dawn
Orange is rarely the top dog, it is a lovely colour when you know how to use it… However, it can quickly overwhelm the senses. It works well with browns and reds… Greens create a little contrast, but I believe the magic happens with the blues, a partnership from across the colour wheel, a clash of fire and water! Be warned, play with the colour mix but be careful as they are fighting each other and should rarely be equal!

Lavenders in the Air
Lavender and Lilacs make a huge comeback, reminds me of my teenage years. A collection can be used to make something pretty, or use the greens to make it earthy, even the blues will dance together.
My Rose Pink
An elegant rose pink collection, whose colour pairing can be sweet, cute or classy.
Honey Bear
Woody, honey and warm creamy browns with a few earthy greens. A touch of blues and muted purples add depth and the greys if you need to balance the browns.
Cuts the Mustard
Mustard yellow and buttery yellow are in the running for 2024. Its warming hues bring a homely cottage vibe to the collection. Includes one of my favourite contrasting colour combos of mustard and blue… A lot of natural tones to keep a healthy balance.
Radiant in Red
Radiant Red shines this coming season, this palette has a collection of reds to work together and some colour pops with yellow, orange, blue and neon pink. Be careful using all the colour pop together as it is easy to throw off the balance!
Colour Splash
Soft rainbow colours blend together well to create a little more muted base.

And for my colour of 2024 Purple # the set “Colours of 2024”. This includes the runner-up colours (top trending colours of 2024) however designed to work with the magic purple and pull together to make a great palette for bright/colourful illustrations.
You can get this collection from gumroad https://emclemmie80.gumroad.com/l/twxrei

Download here https://emclemmie80.gumroad.com/l/twxrei
You can get your own pack of Swatchos here https://basallt.com/products/swatchos
Books recommend using colour and colour information
(I have linked Amazon - but I get nothing for this I am not affiliated) - As of writing this blog no paid ads.
* https://www.amazon.co.uk/Secret-Lives-Colour-Kassia-Clair/dp/1473630835/ref=sr_1_6?crid=1Z4D6VQDO9PJY&keywords=books+on+colour&qid=1699900042&sprefix=books+on+colour%2Caps%2C99&sr=8-6
Some of these colours are more about the science behind colour, which is hugely important in learning how to use colour. It was the science behind this that enabled me to create the palettes and design how the colours work and interact with each other.
Colours are such fun!
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